What is Inforce 3
This is the only vaccine with "prevention of respiratory disease caused by BRSV"
What is Titanium 5+ PH-M
This vaccine uses the adjuvant ENABL
What are BSG FP5 VL5, Express 10, Express 5
These 3 vaccines carry the label claim "prevention of PI caused by BVD type I and II
What is BSG FP5 L5 HB
This vaccine has the label claim "prevents establishment of HB in the genital track"
What is the innate immune system
This branch of the immune system is the most important for intra nasal vaccines
What is Bovi-Shield Gold One Shot
This is the only vaccine that has the label claim " prevents respiratory disease caused by IBR"
What are Titanium 5+ PH-M and Vista Once SQ
These 2 sistemic vaccines contain both Mannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella multocida antigens.
What are BSG FP5 VL5 and CattleMaster 4 VL5
These 2 Zoetis FP vaccines may only be administrated by the IM route of administration
What are Pyramid FP and Vista
These 2 FP vaccines lines only carry a label " aids in the reduction of disease of abortion caused by IBR"
What is "passaging"
Virus attenuation is accomplished by this procedure (question mark)
What is Vista Once SQ
This systemic vaccine contains avirulent live culture of Mannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella multocida.
What is the dual adjuvant system (...)
It is because of this that the viral fraction of Bovi-Shield Gold One Shot has enhanced activity
What are BSG FP and Express FP
These 2 FP vaccines lines carry a 365 day DOI for IBR abortions and PI 3 caused by BVD type I and II
What is vista
This FP vaccine does not contain an adjuvant
What are dendritic cell
Is it the name of the cell in the nasal (...) that process and present viral antigens to T cells in the (...) tissue
What is Bovi-Shield Gold One Shot
This vaccine has the label claim "prevents Viremia for both BVD Type I and II
What is Inforce 3
This MLV vaccine is not blocked by maternal antibody
What is Express FP
This FP vaccine is the only product that does not recommend 2 doses of MLV pre-breeding in heifers
What are BSG FP5 VL5 and Vista 5 VL5
These 2 MLV FP vaccines provide protection against Campylobacter-Leptospira fetus
What are viral infections
(...) medicated immunity is primarily conducted through T cells of the immune system. For what type on infection is the CM 1 response most important (question mark )
What are Inforce 3, Once PMH and TSV-2
These 3 intranasal vaccines may be administrated in to help prevent (...) respiratory disease
What are Inforce 3, TSV2, CattleMaster 4 VL5, CattleMaster 5 FP
The proprietary TS IBR is included in which 4 zoetis vaccines (question mark)
Who are Elanco
This company does not mention fetal protection on their label
What is CattleMaster 4 VL5 or CattleMaster 5 FP
This vaccine is considered a hybrid vaccine because it contains both MLV and killed antigens.
What is a humoral response
This is the most important part of the immune response for bacterial infections
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