Names | Money | SWOT Analysis | Family Details | True/False |
Da Gou Yan Village
What is the name of the village?
300 RMB
What is the cost for a little sheep?
4 people working outside of home
What are the strengths of the first family?
4 brothers
How many brothers are in the second family?
Microfinance is a financial service for small businesses lacking access to banking. P2P is lending money to "peers" without going through an intermediate party.
True or False? |
What is the name of the third family?
What is 500 RMB in USD (Rounded to the nearest whole number)?
Youngest brother will be attending high school soon
What are the opportunities of the 2nd family?
7 people
How many people are in the first family?
False (first and second families)
We gave the money to the first and third families.
True or False? |
What is the name of the first family?
1,000 RMB
What is the cost of a big good sheep?
Three brothers working outside of home
What are the strengths of the second family?
5 ~ it's okay
On a scale of 1 to 10, how hard is it for the first family to repay loans?
False (brother of the first family)
One brother of the second family broke his leg.
True or False? |
What is the name of the second family?
2,800 RMB
What is the net profit of the first family (Approximately)?
Weather and sheep disease
What are the threats for the first family?
10 ~ desperate
On a scale of 1 to 10, how urgently does the 2nd family need the money?
The second family makes the most money.
True or False? |
What is Roland's last name?
5,400 RMB
What is the net profit of the third family (Approximately)?
Few people working outside of home
What are the weaknesses of the third family?
4 people
How many people are in the third family?
False (10 mu)
The second family has 6 mu of land.
True or False? |