Scrooges and stooges | David "Spencer" Mashburn | Things that piss off mom | Bits that refuse to die | MISC. |
Who is Kay
Mom referred to this individual as the wicked witch of the west
What is Skateboarding
When Spencer was young, he often enjoyed this four-wheeled activity
What is clean her room
Mom gets upset when Jordan refuses to do what task?
What is "HEY FOOKER"
Spinning around a head, Jordan repeatedly yelled this phrase
Who is mom
This individual recently said "talk shit get hit"
Who is Fritzer-Fritz
The person wore the absurd smiley face life alert to Pap's funeral
Who is Astrid
This evil-spirited furry friend resides under the same roof and scares spencer
What is spinning in the office chair
Mom gets upset when her coworker does what?
Al yelled this iconic phrase at all of our graduations
What is Cardi D
Zoey once rescued a furry friend that went by this name
Who is Stonnie
This iconic couple grabbed the wrong Christmas presents, and half of the pair returned in furry form
What is blue
On May 26th, 2013 Spencer made Instagram post wearing this color with the caption "Bowtie. Nuff said."
What is driving
Mom gets upset when Al gets sleepy while doing what activity
What is "Give me all your money old lady"
What legendary quote did Brandon say with a gun pointed at Nan
What is Paper
Our living room walls are made of this due to an accident between John and Bruno
Who is BMAN
Haunted by his inner war veteran, this high-strung child will make the holidays unforgettable
What is Lightsaber
During spencer's first outing with photoshop, he was sporting a red one of these
Who is Nan
Mom gets upset when what immediate family member texts her out of the blue
What is "you know what to do"
When Donnie doesn't answer his phone, the caller is blessed with this iconic voicemail
Who is Nancy AKA Cowboy hat queen
Lane is the maiden name of this relative
Who is Kimberly (Insert new last name here)
This iconic individual, relative now holds the record for the most marriages in the family
who is Pat
Spencer's friend who sells drugs and wets the bed
What is Tornado Tam
Mom's angry side is better known to her children as this alliteration
Who is David "Spencer" Mashburn
At Rocky Horror, this family member yelled "HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDSON"
What is "getting some fucking lunch"
Mom ventured off to do this task, which was relayed to the rest of the family by Brandon