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What is 'the corner' in Dutch?
de hoek
What is 'to understand' in Dutch?
What is 'angry' in Dutch?
Which English word comes from the Dutch word 'hoek', meaning corner?
The English word 'hook' is derived from this Dutch word in the mid-14th century.
What is "All problems have a solution" in Dutch?
This means "Alle problemen hebben een oplossing".
What is 'the student' in Dutch?
de leerling
What is 'to feel like' in Dutch?
zin hebben in
What is 'sad' in Dutch?
What is a synonym for the Dutch word 'blij'?
The word 'vrolijk' is a synonym of this other Dutch word.
What is "Shambu has an appointment with Gladys at eight thirty" in Dutch?
In Dutch this is: Shambu heeft een afspraak met Gladys om half negen.
What is 'the quarrel' in Dutch?
de ruzie
What is 'to forget' in Dutch?
What is 'nice/kind' in Dutch?
What are verbs?
'liggen', 'begrijpen' and 'weten'.
What is "ik heb geen zin" in English?
In English this is: I don't feel like it.
What is 'the advice' in Dutch?
de raad
What is 'to dare' in Dutch?
What is 'angry' in Dutch?
What do Dutch people say to each other when they go to sleep?
They say 'welterusten'.
What is "I am afraid she thinks I am dumb" in Dutch?
In English this means: "Ik ben bang dat ze me stom vindt."
What is 'the solution' in Dutch?
What is 'to cry' in Dutch?
What is 'nervous' in Dutch?
What are adjectives?
'moe', 'boos' and 'verdrietig'
What is "I am in pain, I cannot move my leg" in Dutch?
In Dutch this is: "Ik heb pijn, ik kan mijn been niet bewegen."