W.I.A | Zak Attack | Chronically Online | Slippin' Jimmy | Spornchbab and Padlock |
Who is Willy?
This person shows up to people's houses unannounced
What is "like this"?
What position does Zak shower in?
Who is Ben Shapiro?
This sad LITTLE internet man is famous for spewing liquid shit out of his mouth.
Mike Ehrmantraut?
Kid named finger's real name.
What are krabby patties?
spunchbob make these burger
Who is Adam?
This person cannot read the room and offends many people with their overuse of emojis.
What are toddlers/babies?
These Dwarf-like (Not Hasbullah) people always beat Zak up.
What is blue hair pronounce?
All liberal have this in common.
What is Skylar singing happy birthday?
The worst scene in Breaking Bad.
What is under a rock?
pooter live in this place.
Who is Isa?
This person sent a photo of their actual shit to a group chat of friends.
What is 8 years old?
How old was Zak when he first coined the nickname "naked boy"?
What is "I suck his dick with a smile for hours at a time?"
The sus remix of these lyrics: "I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time" is?
Who is Walter Hartwell white (I live at 308 Negra Arroyo lane Albuquerque New Mexico 87104)
The one who knocks.
Who is Uncle Syringe and Charley's phillysteaks Boss
These 2 people are comparable to Eugenics KRabs.
Who is Isa?
This person's ideology is comparable to the popular D.C character "Joker"
What is Chinglebash?
Zak's former high school's Christmas show is called:
What are typing quirks?
Alternative letters used by people who are traumatized by the alphabet.
Gustavo Fring
The first openly gay Disney meth King.
Give me 5$ and I'll give you these points for free. No 5$ no points for you.
Who is Willy?
This person believes they are more mature than everyone else.
What is F(x) = -(x^2)?
Which math equation can be used to graph the shape of Zak's childhood hairline?
What are furries?
83.2% of this animal subculture are white.
What is "ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding"
Hector's Salamanca's last words.
Where is in Paris?
Fellas were in this popular tourist spot known for croissants and rude people.