Who? | What? | Where? | When? | 4 Letter Words |
Louis Spiro
Who was the owner of The Rose Shop?
What is Zaidy's go-to breakfast cereal?
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Where was Zaidy born?
February 23rd, 1958
When did Oma and Zaidy get married?
Oma and Zaidy, in Washington DC, lived on Roxanna ______
Noach Weinberg
Which friend of Zaidy got married a day apart from him?
What is Zaidy's hobby?
DoubleTree, Tarrytown
Where was Oma and Zaidy's 50th Anniversary?
When did Oma and Zaidy get introduced?
Zaidy attended _____ View Elementary School
The Childers and the Loves
Who were Oma and Zaidy's next-door neighbors on Roxanna Road?
Somerset Place
What was the first place Oma and Zaidy lived in?
Macfarland Junior High
Where did Zaidy attend junior high school?
February 6th, 1932
When was Zaidy born?
Oma's maiden name
Herbie Goodman
Who introduced Oma to Zaidy?
What year was the move to Healy Street?
Ohev Shalom
Where did Zaidy used to work (as an executive director)?
When was Zaidy employed at Agudas Achim?
Zaidy went to Baltimore _____ College
Rav Ruderman
Who was the Rosh Yeshiva of Ner Yisroel?
Wheel of Fortune
What takes place at 7:00 pm?
Under the doormat
Where can you find the key to Oma and Zaidy's house?
When did he start at Ner Yisroel?
Oma and Zaidy got married in New _____