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What is the CCTV spring festival tv show?
CCTV 春节联欢晚会
This is the most expensive TV advertising 30 second commercial annually in China?
中国30秒广告收费最贵的电视台和电视节目是? |
What is the "Titanic"
This 1997 James Cameron film starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet certain didn't sink at the box office or in China's KTV
1997年詹姆斯 卡梅隆导演,莱昂纳多 迪卡普里奥和凯特 温斯莱特主演的电影,票房破纪录的电影 |
水浒传, 红楼梦,西游记, 三国演义
The 4 most famous works of fiction in Chinese Lit
中国的四大名著 |
Yellow River
The second longest river in China
中国的第二长河是 |
Who is Li Ning
This athlete won 5 medals incl 3 goldat the 1984 LA Summer Olympics
这个中国运动员在23届洛杉矶夏季奥林匹克运动会中获得了5枚奖牌,其中三枚是金牌。 |
What is "fei cheng wu rao"?
The TV show made famous the phrase "I rather be sad in a BMW than happy in the back of a bicycle."
一个著名的电视节目曾出过这么句话:宁愿在宝马车里哭 也不愿在自行车上笑,这个电视节目是 |
Who is Gong Li
She was accepted to the prestigious Central Academy of Drama in Beijing and graduated in 1989. While a student, she was discovered by Zhang Yimou and chosen for the lead role in "Red Sorghum"
她1989年毕业于北京中央戏剧学院,当她还是一名戏剧学院学生时候,被张艺谋发现并主演了《红高粱》 |
The author of 西游记
《西游记》的作者 |
The capital of Gansu Pronvince
甘肃的省会是 |
Who are the SH Sharks and the Houston Rockets
Yao Ming, the greatest NBA player from China, played for this team in the CBA and this team in the NBA
姚明是中国最好的NBA选手,CBA和NBA参加的球队的名称是 |
What is "The Voice"?
This popular singing show "China's good voice" is a license of what original format.
中国音乐评论节目《中国好声音》的版权是出自 |
What is "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon"
This movie in 2000 was made on a US$17m budget, with dialogue in Mandarin became a surprise international success grossing $213.5m 、becoming the highest-grossing foreign-language film in American history. It was won over 40 awards
The only Nobel Prize Laureate from China
第一个获得诺贝尔文学奖的中国人 |
Po Yang Lake
The largest fresh water lake in China
中国最大的淡水湖 |
Who is Sun Yang
This man won 3 gold medals at the FINA World Championships in 2013 and is widely considered China's best swimmer
2013年他在巴塞罗那世界游泳锦标赛上他包揽了3枚金牌,是中国著名的游泳选手 |
Who is Xie Na?
This female TV host from Sichuan has more than 70 million weibo followers.
一个著名的女主持人,来自四川,她的微博粉丝已经将近7千万 |
Who Ang Lee
This man is arguably the most well known Taiwan-born, American Chinese director
众所周知他生于台湾,著名的美籍华人导演 |
The first line from the famous Tang dynasty poem "游子吟": 慈母手中线 … these 5 characters follow
唐诗 "游子吟": 慈母手中线 … 后一句是 |
Wu Yi Shan
This is the largest mountain range in Fujian Province
福建第一山是 |
Who is Liu Xiang
Who won China's first Olympic Track & Field gold medal?
中国第一个田径奥运冠军 |
What is "Happy Camp"?
This TV show on hunan satellite TV has been the #1 show in the Friday evening timeslot for over the past 10 years.
近十年湖南卫视周末首屈一指的王牌综艺节目 |
What is "The Partners"
This hit film was based on the education company New Oriental.
一部以新东方为背景拍摄的电影 |
In the Chinese classic "红楼梦", it is said that women are made from water and men are made from what?
中国名著《红楼梦》中说女人是水做的,男人是什么做的 |
What is the lowest elevation in China?
中国海拔最低的地方 |
Who is Sun Wen
This SH-born women's football icon rec'd the "Golden Ball" award at the '99 WWC and the IFF player of the year /
上海出生的中国著名女子足球运动员,曾获“中国足球金靴奖”,是1999年女子世界杯足球赛上的最佳射手 |