Lyrics to the Carols | Festive Foods | Christmas Movies | Christmas Around the World | Merry Miscellaneous |
A one horse open sleigh
In the 1850 christmas classic "Jingle Bells", we are told "oh what fun it is to ride," in one of these
Figgy Pudding
In the song, "We Wish You a Merry Christmas," carolers threaten not to leave until they are given this outdated snack.
In "A Christmas Story," Scut Farkus is easily discernible due to having this color eyes
Greenland (Denmark)
This country's northern-most point is the closest to the north pole
White Christmas by Bing Crosby
This Christmas song is regarded as the best selling single of all time
Are you married?
In the third verse of "Winter Wonderland", this weirdly personal question is asked by the snowman lovingly named Parson Brown.
Candy Canes
This Christmas treat was designed to remind those who enjoy it of the shepherds present when Jesus was born
Baby It's Cold Outside
Unbeknownst to Jovie, she and Buddy duet this song in the movie "Elf"
This country is given credit for created eggnog
Gold, Myrrh, and Frankincense
The order from most to least valuable of the three gifts brought for Jesus (by today's value)
Began to dance around
When the children put the magic top hat on Frosty the Snowman, he did this immediately.
This drink brand is credited as being the first to use the likeness of Santa Claus in their advertising
This many ghosts showed up throughout "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens
In the 16th century, this country created the earliest gingerbread houses
Donner and Blitzen
These two reindeer are named after the german words for thunder and lightning
A hoola hoop and a plane (that loops the loop)
These two items were specifically listed as the items on the christmas list of Alvin and his chipmunk brothers
22 million
In the US, it is reported that this many turkeys are eaten each Christmas (within 3 million)
A Dentist
In "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer," Hermey the Elf wanted be this instead of a toy-maker
Sri Lanka (236 ft 6.58 in)
Which nation is home to the largest artificial tree in the world
Die Hard and The Nightmare Before Christmas
These two movies are both famously up for debate on if they are christmas movies or not
Barney, Ben, Janice, and Jen
These characters wish for "A pair of Hop-a-long boots and a pistol that shoots" as well as "Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk" in the Bing Crosby classic, "It's Beginning to Look a like Christmas"
Mulled Wine
In Germany, if offered Glühwein, you would partake in this festive drink
Santa Claus, The Hobo, The Train Conductor, Hero Boy, and Hero Boy's Father
Tom Hanks voiced all five of these characters in "The Polar Express"
Which country is home to the world's largest nativity scene
23 (Partridge in a pear tree
Two turtle doves Three French hens Four calling birds Six geese a-laying Seven swans a-swimming)
The number of birds that were gifted by "my true love" in the "12 Days of Christmas"