Women In The Bible | Disciples | Miracles of Jesus | Animals | Plants and Trees |
Who is Eve?
First woman in the Bible
Who is Peter?
Walked on the water with Jesus
Who is the woman with the issue of blood?
This person had spent all their money on doctors ands was not cured after 12 years
What is serpent?
Tricked Eve into eating the forbidden fruit
What is the burning bush?
Moses's stood before this spectacular plant
Who is Bathsheba?
Woman that David had her husband killed
Who is Judas?
Kept the money for Christ
What is turning water into wine?
Christ's first miracle
What is a colt?
Jesus rode into Jerusalem on this animal
What is a Sycamore tree?
This tree was what Zacchaeus used to see Jesus
Who is Hannah?
Samuel's mother
Who is Matthew?
Tax collector
Who is Jarius?
Raised this man's daughter from the dead?
What is a lion and a bear?
David killed these animals with his bare hands
What is mustard seed?
Jesus said we needed faith this size
Who is Delilah?
Samson's girlfriend who tricked him into telling wherein his strength lied
Who is John?
Beloved disciple
Who is Peter's mother-in-law?
He healed this person is Peter's family
What is swine?
Do not cast your pearls before this animal
What is gopher wood?
Noah's ark was built out of this
Who is Deborah?
The only female judge mentioned in the Bible
Who is Matthias?
Replaced Judas as a disciple
Who is Lazarus?
Brought this person back to life after 4 days
What is a donkey?
This animal talked to Balaam
What is a fig tree?
Jesus cursed this tree