c) all the above
What symbolizes the action of the Holy Spirit?
a) water b) oil c) fire d) all the above e) a) and c) but not b) |
Polo and pool
Give the names of two different games of sports, one outdoor and the other indoor, who names are spelled using the same four letters.
b) Eve
Who is the "mother of all the living"?
a) Mary b) Eve c) Sarah d) Catherine of Sienaa |
b) The Andies
Which is the world's longest mountain range?
a) The Rockies b) The Andies c) The Himalayas d) The Alps |
To say "Jesus is Lord" is to say the Jesus is God.
True of False? |
b) forgiveness
What is the first effect of God's gift of love through the Holy Spirit to us?
a) health b) forgiveness c) prosperity d) ordination |
The name of which game comes from the Persian word for king or ruler?
In what town did Mary give birth to Jesus?
b) Nile
Which is the longest river in the world?
a) The Yellow River b) Nile c) Amazon d) Yangtse |
According to Scripture, God worked how many days for creation?
b) speaking in different tongues
What unusual effect did the outpouring of the Holy Spiritt have on those gathered on the day of Pentecost?
a) filled with fear b) speaking in different tongues c) falling asleep d) predicting the future |
b) bees
What does an apiculturist study?
a) monkeys b) bees c) Ancient Egypt d) a Chinese medical procedure |
b) Nazareth
Where did the angel encounter Mary to announce the coming birth of Jesus?
a) Bethlehem b) Nazareth c) Galilee d) Bethany |
a) Caspian Sea
What is the world's largest lake by area?
a) Caspian Sea b) Lake Superior c) Lake Victoria d) Lake Tanganyka |
Jesus suffered but because he was God, he did not feel any pain.
True of False? |
The Spirit is distinct in his person, but inseparable from the Father and the Son.
True or False? |
This word refers to a type of sofa, a type of overcoat, a brand of cigarettes, and a city in England.
Who did Mary visit after receiving the news of her conception of Jesus?
c) Tanzania
The peak of Mount Kilimanjaro is located in which country?
a) Kenya b) Democratic Republic of Congo c) Tanzania d) Nigeria |
In the sacrament, there is an outpouring of the Holy Spirit which leaves an permanent mark on the soul, so you only receive the sacrament once.
The sacrament of Confirmation can be received more than once.
True of False? |
a) Elijah
What prophet prayed at Mount Carmel which resulted in the Lord's fire coming down to consume the sacrifice in the First Book of Kings?
a) Elijah b) Isaiah b) Elisha c) Micah |
During the Middle Ages, stonemasons would care grotesquely decorative rain spouts along the ends of the roofs,in the form of animals or faces. What are these called?
What do we call the belief that Mary,at the end of her life on earth, entered body and soul into Heaven?
c) Iceland
Which country does not have land or territorial waters in the Arctic?
a) Norway b) Denmark c) Iceland d) United States |
We were given free will so we could freely choose the good.
God gave us free will so that we could do anything we want.
True of False? |