What is a filly?
This is the term for a female foal.
What is the Good Shepherd?
This image in John's Gospel shows Christ as the one who gathers, watches over, and protects his people.
Who is Scamp?
This is the name of the mischievous puppy in the Disney movie "Lady and the Tramp 2.
Who is John the Baptist?
He baptized Jesus.
What is The Milky Way?
This is the galaxy in which we live.
What is a piranha?
The most ferocious freshwater fish
What is Baptism?
This is the rite in which one becomes a member of the Body of Christ.
What is the Bible?
This is the most printed book in history.
What is repent and be baptized?
St Peter told them to do this, when the crowd on Pentecost asked by the what should they do.
Who are Tina Fey and Amy Poehler?
These two hosted the 2015 Golden Globes?
What is the colour red?
The colour to which bees are colour blind
What is the process of canonization?
This is the process called whereby the Church recognizes a person to be a saint or model of holiness.
Who is Leonardo da Vinci?
He painted the Mona Lisa?
What are tongues of fire, the sound of a mighty wind, and speaking in other languages?
These three things were manifestations of the action of the Holy Spirit in Pentecost.
Who was Sir John A. MacDonald
He was the first Prime Minister of Canada.
What is a kiwi?
The bird with the best sense of smell, as well as the bird that lays the largest egg in relation to the body size, is native of New Zealand.
What is a Doctor of the Church?
This is a title given by the Church to certain saints whose writings and preachings are useful to Christians down through the ages.
Who is JRR Tolkein?
He was the British writer who, in 1954, created The Lord of the Rings?
What is baptism?
The name of this rite originally meant to plunge.
What is Simon?
The name given to St Peter the Apostle at birth by his parents.
What is an elephant?
The land animal that has the longest gestation period, 650 days.
What is evangelization?
This word refers to the Church's mission make disciples of all nations.
What is "The Quotations From Chairman Mao Tse-Tung" or "The Little Red Book"?
This is the second most printed book in history.
What is baptism?
By this ritual we spiritually die with Christ and rise with him.
Who is Benedict Cumberbatch?
This is the actor who has played all these literary characters: Sherlock, Smaug and Hamlet.