Basic FF1 Knowledge | Popular Movies | Heat related illness | Do you know Cal Fire? | Random-ness? |
What are the inner bars of a ladder called
In the movie Rambo what was Silvester Stilones Character name
What is the best way to avoid heat stress
"I Don't Know"
Why are Cal Fire Engines RED
Ruler and Size up report
What 2 things are on the inside cover of an IRPG
Fight fire aggressively having provided for safety first
What is number 10 of the ten standard fire orders
Coach Carter!!!!
What Basket Ball movie Has FAE Light Presented multiple times and you should know this????
T/F Coffee and energy drinks are helpful with hydration
Cal Fire Shield
Where are the 7 points of light located visually
FAE Bailey
Who is the BEST Engineer
What is Biebers Helicopter number
What Disney movie has the magic flying carpet?
Stop Sweating
What is a significant sign of HEAT STROKE
How many Regions is Cal Fire split up in to
Sticky Note With Name
What is required of every firefighter when doing laundry at DGTC
Every good firefighter carries a pen. what color ink should that pen be.
Step Brotheres
"The F&*#ING Catalina wine mixer"
Heat Related Injury
What does HRI Stand for
Gavin Groosome
Who is the governor
Fast as FU&^K
How fast should you try to hike?
Training record
What is an IIPP 6 used for
fight club
There's only one rule about this club.... but you cant talk about it...
What color pages in the IRPG are the heat related injury information located located
Captain Cal
Who Is Cal Fires MASCOT
Thank you + 100 Burpees
Whos Red water Bottle is on the desk in front of me?