Thou says what? symbolic artifacts Thou art who? Hamlet trivia crack death comes upon ye
Who is Hamlet?
"A little more than kin and less than kind" Act 1; Scene 2
What is poison?
this was used to kill King Hamlet in his sleep but was also used in "Romeo and Juliet" when Juliet wanted to simulate death and again when Romeo actually used it to end his life.
Who is Yorick?
this person was responsible for hamlet's contemplation of life and death in his famous "to be or not to be" soliloquy
What is about 2 months?
this time difference was the gap between King Hamlet's murder and the marriage of Gertrude and Claudius
Who is Polonius?
this person was stabbed due to a misunderstanding of who he was because of his spying nature and wasn't shown pity by the murderer
Who is Marcellus?
"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark" Act 1;Scene 4
What is Yorick's skull?
this item was discovered in the gravesite during the funeral of Ophelia and was a contemplation of life and death
Who are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern?
an inseparable duo who cannot be told apart and are often mixed up, even by themselves
What is the "Mouse Trap"?
Hamlet used this order to make Claudius feel guilty about poisoning King Hamlet
Who are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern?
they lost their lives when they delivered a letter from Denmark that said the messengers are to be killed when the letter was opened
Who is King Hamlet?
"Murder most foul, as in the best it is" Act 1; Scene 5
What are letters from Hamlet?
these were a form of communication between the two "lovers" in which one stated never to have sent to the other and has no affiliations towards
Who is Ophelia?
this misunderstood character was the only character who didn't die from murder but from an "accident"
Who is Gertrude?
Hamlet truly appeared to be mad when speaking to the ghost after throwing "daggers" at this character who was unable to see King Hamlet
Who is Laertes?
this person died when their plan with another backfired and they were stabbed by a poisoned sword
Who is Gertrude?
"More matter with less art" Act 2; Scene 2
What is the pirate ship?
even though this group of individuals could have kidnapped Hamlet and held him for ransom, they agreed to his offer of taking him home to Denmark and being repaid by him in the distant future. This occurred on this object.
Who is Fortinbras (or the prince of Norway)?
after Hamlet, this person was offered the throne in a manner most anticlimactic
What is the death of Polonius?
because of this event, Ophelia went mad and spoke in song while her brother Laertes charged into the castle with followers and was willing to take the life of Claudius until they allied together and schemed on a way to take down Hamlet.
Who is Claudius?
this person died after another sought out revenge and completed it by stabbing this character
Who is Claudius?
"My words fly up, my thoughts remain below; words without thoughts never to heaven go" Act 3; Scene 3
What is Hamlet's sword?
On this object did Horatio and Marcellus swore their secrecy upon. Its shape was also the symbol of the Christian theme that was used throughout "Hamlet"
Who is Horatio?
This character was the narrator to the fencing audience (including Fortinbras) and sole survivor of the main Hamlet characters
What is fencing?
this Spanish sport game between Hamlet and Laertes was used as a mean to end Hamlets life but was undeniably used to end the lives of all the others
Who is Gertrude (or the Queen)?
this person was innocently killed when they mistakenly drank a chalice filled with poison that was meant for another

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