Institutions | Institutions 2 | Barterrific | all mixed up | @ the Movies |
private property
A capitalist system is based on this kind of property.
True or False: Slavery is a part of a capitalist system.
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By definition, barter trades do not include this.
This is a system where some human beings are considered the legal property of others.
I'll trade you a movie ticket for a dinner. This kind of trade is an example of ___________.
capital goods (producer goods)
In a purely socialist system, the government owns all of these kinds of goods.
Workers are free to choose their jobs in a __________(6 letters) economy.
_________ Exchange is barter, when people trade goods that they directly value.
Capitalism, Socialism, Mixed Economy
What are the 3 kinds of economies discussed in the book?
No, he doesn't. He works for the British Royalty
Does James Bond, (Agent 007) find work in the free market?
private sector
This sector of the economy is owned by individuals
A mixed economy
A government both allows free choices and limits choices in this kind of economy.
Both parties in a voluntary trade can benefit from it because value is ___________.
North Korea
Which country (discussed in class) has a completely government run economy?
(Free market, free enterprise are also ok)
In the Hunger Games, the economy of Panem can NOT be described as:
public sector
This sector of the economy is run by the government
This person has the legal right to decide how to use a good.
A red paperclip
A young man from Canada traded up to a house starting with what little thing.
China and the United States are both examples of __________(5 letters) economies.
Opportunity Cost
In the Hunger Games, when Katniss chooses Peeta instead of Gale, this is an example of __________.
Free enterprise
People often describe a capitalist system as having this kind of enterprise.
Karl Marx used this word to negatively descsribe private owners of capital.
a price
By definition, this is how many units of one items are given up to get a unit of a different item.
2 to 3 USD per month
The average North Korean earns about how much money per month?
In Pirates of the Carbbean, pirates' primary business are not ________ enterprise.