Real World Stuff Comics Eve Online Sci Fi Fantasy
What is The International Space Station?
This orbiting platform had a recent sensor malfunction causing quite a stir on the ground below.
Who is Thor?
This demi god who wields a mighty hammer.
Who is the CFC?
This super house coalition truly believe's that they are better than everyone in every way.
What is the NX-01?
This "specific" interstellar vehicle was responsible for keeping Cpt. Archer safe during his voyages and mission to save earth.
Who is King Joffrey?
This child asshole got what he deserved as he bled out of nearly every orifice.
Who is Pope Francis?
This religious figure was recently quoted saying "I'll PUNCH anyone who insults my mother"
Who is Apocalypse?
This original mutant is soon to play the villain in his own movie.
What is branch?
This far off region of space known for afk ishtar ratting.
Who is David Tenant?
This actor played the 10th incarnation of this well known British television character.
Who is Boromir?
This member of the fellowship attempted to steal the "One ring" after failing to control himself from the urges.
What is Breaking Bad?
From this popular T.V. show a jaw breaking quote is "Its over when I say its over"
What is Arkham Asylum?
This mental institution houses the rouges gallery of the caped crusader.
Who are Rooks and Kings?
This group of individuals known for strategic smart bombing and is showcased on Eve's latest trailer "This is Eve"
What is the sonic screwdriver?
This special tool used by a "Dr." is known for getting him and his companions out of trouble in more than one instance.
What is the floo network?
This method of travel using magic powders in a fireplace allows wizards and witches to traverse large distances in a moments notice.
Who is Jason Brown?
This former NFL star walked away from 37 million dollars to feed the hungry.
What are the infinity stones?
These six mystical gems when combined grant the user near unstoppable cosmic power.
What is
This sandbox style gambling website is quickly becoming the best gambling website ever known to have existed.
Who is the Skywalker Family
This force sensitive family is known for regular limb loss, and mechanical re-attachment.
Who is Aslan?
This larger than life lion guided the pevensie children in their quest against the white witch.
What are Pornstars?
This industry specific group of individuals who specialize in a type of "couples therapy" and "pleasure thundersticks" while being recorded on video.
Who is Green Arrow?
What super hero was known for calling his sidekick "speedy"
Who is Moose Bank?
This Moose like sensation who is also know as the most attractive man alive and can pleasure himself in any public building.
What is the Star Gate?
This large ring requiring at least 7 chevrons is responsible for transporting individuals from one planet to another.
Who is Jesus?
This myth from before people knew how to write books is one of the biggest let down's as he is discovered to be a hoax from beginning. he was also known for coming back from the dead, and his father may or may not have created heaven and the earth in 6 da

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