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What is Pearl Harbor?
This American Naval Station was bombed by the Japanese in 1941.
Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt?
This president was the president during the start of WWII until his death.
What is rationing?
This word means to receive a limited amount of something.
What is the Allied Powers?
This alliance won the war.
What is island hopping?
The tactic of invading some enemy territory, but leaving others.
What is the Battle of Stalingrad?
This battle was the European turning point of WWII.
Who is Hirohito?
This emperor ruled Japan until his defeat in 1945.
What are children?
These people collected necessary items for war, such as paper.
What is the Axis Powers?
This alliance included Italy, Germany, and Japan.
What is the Holocaust?
The killing of 6,000,000 Jews.
What is Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
These Japanese cities were destroyed by America atomic bombs.
Who is Winston Churchill?
This person kept the spirits high of British people.
What are Victory Gardens?
When farmers needed to grow supplies for the soldiers, people grew these.
What is the invasion of Poland?
Hitler's invasion which sparked WWII.
What are concentration camps?
The place Jews were sent by Hitler.
What is Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland?
These three countries were invaded by Hitler before WWII.
Who is Rachele Mussolini?
This person married Benito Mussolini.
Who are African-Americans and Women?
When men went of to war, these people worked in the war plants.
What is Thailand?
This country helped Japan invade other Asian countries.
What is fascism?
The idea that the government should control everything.
What is the Battle of Okinawa?
This battle was the last one in the Pacific.
Who is Eva Braun?
This person married Adolf Hitler shortly before his suicide.
What are Japanese-Americans
When the president signed a paper, these people moved to internment camps.
What is the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact?
The agreement Hitler made with Stalin to not invade his country.
What is the Atomic Bomb?
The bomb responsible for the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the start of the Cold War.