Whodunit? | Leaders | Iconic Images | Famous Battles | Misc. Events |
Who is Josef Mengele
Who is considered the "Angel of Death"?
What is Austria
In which country was Adolf Hitler born?
What is the swastika
What was the Nazi's symbol?
What is Pearl Harbor
Which battle led the U.S. to join the war?
What is the Enola Gay
Which plane dropped the first atomic bomb in WWII?
Who is George S. Patton
What U.S. General was responsible for 55% of all German casualties?
Who is Dwight. D. Eisenhower
Which general was Commander In Chief of the Allied forces?
What is the Star of David
What image were Jews required to wear in Nazi Germany?
What is Operation Overlord
What was the operation name for D-Day?
What is meth and cocaine
Which two drugs was Hitler taking daily?
Who is Adolf HItler
Who wrote Mein Kampf?
What is Benito Mussolini?
What is the full name of the Italian dicatator of WWII?
Rosie the Riveter
Which Iconic U.S. character encouraged women to join the workforce?
What is The Battle of Midway
In which battle did the Japanese lose naval superiority?
Who is Erwin Rommel
What top general was forced to commit suicide because of his/her knowledge of Operation Valkyrie?
Who is Isoroku Yamamoto
What Japanese general planned Pearl Harbor?
Who is Joseph Stalin
Which world leader switched alliances during the course of the war?
What is the Marines
What U.S. military branch raised the flag on Iwo Jima in the iconic image?
What is the Battle of Stalingrad
What batlle was Germany's first defeat?
What is the Final Solution
What was the plan name for putting all Jews in concentration camps?
Who is Jesse Owens
What African American won two gold medals in the 1936 Berlin Games?
Who is Josoph Stalin
Which leader died of a stroke because he wouldn't let anybody in his room?
What is the Tuskegee Airmen
What famous air squadron had the tails on their planes painted red?
Who are Rommel and Montgomery
What two generals faced off at the Battle El Alemain?
What is the Batan Death March
What was the name of the event in which U.S. soldiers were forced to walk for five days and nights by Japanese soldiers?