about me! | memes! | musicals | Whats that friend | opinions |
What is pink
what is my favorite color?
What is raw oysters
what is my favorite type of pop tart
What is BMC
what musical is about a squip
What is audrey
my BFF forever! enough said
What is vinal
i like lisening to music on this other than anything else
What is be more chill
my favorite musical?
What is asthma
what do i get made fun of about
What is stomp
what musical is about people banging on drums
What is maggie
one i like on and off and always talks about how shes asian
What is stuffed animals
these toys will never get old and i have millions
What is south park
my favorite show?
What is lock the door
what do i do immediatly as you come in my room
What is chicago
what musical is about a woman in jail and her lawyer
What is kendylle
shes pretty nice without other peope
What is a copier
i think that these people are annoying and i will never do it to others
What is field hockey
my favorite sport?
What is go to bed
what do u make me do
What is heathers
what musical is about 4 popular girls in the 80's
What is dafar
super gay but we dont talk about it
What is germs
the one thing i am really afraid of that no one takes seriously
What is 3
my favorite number?
What is whoever buys me more
how do i choose favorites
What is hello dolly
what musical is about a match maker in NYC
What is samantha
she likes me a lot and everything i like
What is drawing
the one hobby i have but dont talk about