School Wide Expectations | Bus Expectations | Dresscode Expectations | School Wide Expectations 2 | Digital Expectations |
What is the right side of the hallway?
In the hallway, you are supposed to walk on this side of the hall.
What is misconduct?
-examples of misconduct
Students will lose their privilege of riding the bus for ____________.
What is finger tip length?
The length of which dresses, skirts and shorts should be.
What is the Student Code of Conduct?
If Students and/or Parents have questions in regards to the RSS expectations they need to reference the ________________________.
What is a iPad?
This item is supposed to be carried in your backpack facing a solid surface.
What is myself.
This person is responsible for your individual behavior.
What is stopping the bus and opening the door.
When getting on the bus students wait until the bus driver completely _____________ and _______________.
What is a shirt that comes to mid-thigh?
Leggings are permitted when worn under a ______.
These are the 3 Bulldog expectations that you are expected to up hold in any school related location. (found on the PBIS posters)
What is a cell phone?
This item is supposed to be turned off and in your bookbag at all times.
What are headphones, earbuds, or Airpods?
In the hallways, when you wear these in your ears, hearing is blocked (obstructed).
What is staying seated, facing forward and keeping your hands and feet to your self?
When on the bus stay __________, face ___________ and keep your ________ to yourself.
What are hats or hoodies?
These are examples of things that are not allowed to be worn on your head.
What is an Agenda Book/Hall Pass?
The student is going to the restroom, the only thing they should be taking with them is ____________.
What is Digital Citizenship?
When using technology you are to respect yourself, protect yourself, respect others, protect others, respect intellectual property and protect intellectual property. These are examples of __________.
What are passing grades and appropriate behavior.
As an athlete you are expected to maintain...
What is a warning?
For minor infractions and safety rule violations:
First referral = _______________ |
What are tennis shoes?
These are required daily for PE.
What is walking, keeping your hands to yourself, staying in a line, appropriate voice level, going directly to your destination and cell phone and iPad is put away? (there may be more expectations for transitioning that aren't listed.)
These are 3 of the expectations for transitioning from class to class.
What is a voicemail/Voice message?
Hector called home to speak to his mom on the phone, she didn't answer so what should Hector do?
What is School, School related functions, Sporting events, and traveling to and from school.
Students will follow the rules and expectations while at...
What is revoking bus riding privileges for the remainder of the year?
Repeated violations may result in __________.
What is my stomach?
What is my underclothing? What are inappropriate graphics, designs or logos?
These are are examples of what should not be on or seen due to the clothing worn.
What is attendance?
Students success is directly tied to __________.
Who is the classroom teacher and Mrs. James?
*Accidental damage has to be reported and approved as an accident. *Purposeful damage has to be reported and paid for.
When your iPad is cracked or damaged, you need to go see _________.