Hinduism Buddhism Islam Chinese Philosophies Holy and Sacred Sites
What are your actions
Hindus believe your ______ determine what you are reincarnated as on Earth after you die.
What is enlightenment
Spirtitual ______ is the goal of Buddhists. Buddha achieved this when he gave up his wealth.
What is the Quran
The muslim's holy book is what
What is Confucianism.
This Chinese philosophy believed in duty to put the needs of your family and community before your own.
What is the Ganges river
In this river in India, Hindus bathe because they believe it is sacred
What is Karma
The consequences of how a person lives are known as _____.
What is Nirvana.
If a person gave up all desires, he or she would reach______. This place is a state of wisdom.
Who is Muhammad
What prophet claims he was told to teach Islam by Allah
What is Daoism.
What Chinese philosophy believes people should give up worldly desires and they should turn to nature and the force that controls and guides all things.
What is Mekkah
The Kabba is located in this city in Saudi Arabia

World Religions

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