Geography | Player Characters | Lore | Loot | Encounters |
What is Theramore?
Garrosh detonated a mana bomb to destroy this city.
What is Orgrimmar?
This is where you fish Old Crafty
Who is Sylvanas/The Dark Lady
This is the racial lead of the Forsaken.
What is a coyote?
This is the incorporeal spirit that is summoned by Don Carlos' Famous Hat.
What is One?
This is how many bosses that are found in Magtheridon's Lair
What is Townlong Steppes?
Niuzao the Black Ox has his temple here.
What is thirteen?
This is the number of races player characters can choose from (As of MoP).
Who is Malfurion Stormrage?
This was the first Night Elf druid.
What is Uncommon
This is the rarity level of equipment that uses green lettering.
What is Grim Batol?
Players go on a bombing run in this dungeon.
What is the Wandering Isle
This is the name of the Pandaren isle atop the turtle Shen-zin Shu.
What are Paladin Seals?
Command, Truth and Righteousness are all types of this.
Who is Kael'thas Sunstrider?
This was the other prince other than Arthas that sought Jaina's affections.
What is I.W.I.N?
This is the name of the trash quality button that is dropped by enemy bodies in AV that many wish wasn't broken.
What is Tainted Core?
This core is needed to deactivate the shield generators when fighting Lady Vashj.
What is Auchindoun?
This is the mausoleum located in Terokkar Forest, and was once a Draenei holy site.
What is six?
This is how many Ways of Pandaren cooking that are needed to be mastered to gain the Master of Pandaren Cooking achievement.
Who is Llane Wrynn?
Garona Halforcen killed this human king.
What is Scepter of the Shifting Sands?
This scepter could only be acquired by one player per server and was needed to open the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj.
What is Kharazan?
The Violet Eye is associated with this raid instance.
What is Dragonblight.
Galakrond's mighty corpse rests here.
What is 18?
This is how many equipment slots a character has.
Who is Archmage Antonidas?
This was Jaina's mentor in the Kirin Tor.
What is Celestial Steed?
This was the first mount ever listed on the Blizzard store.
What is Seven?
This is the total number of bosses located within Violet Hold.