Geography | Player Characters | Lore | Loot | Villains |
What is Uldum?
This zone is the ancestral home of the Tol'vir and was opened due to the events of Cataclysm.
What is Stamina
The attribute increase provided from "Toughness" from Mining.
Who is Malygos?
This was the first Dragon Aspect to lead the blue dragonflight.
What is a bag?
Haris Pilton is known to sell a 'Gigantique' version of this.
What are Virmen?
This burrowing creature can be found marauding farms and stealing crops.
What is Gilneas?
The city in Eastern Kingdoms where Worgen begin their adventure.
What is 30 minutes/Half an hour.
The cooldown of an unguilded Hearthstone.
What are Ogres and Orcs?
The two races Rexxar is descendant of.
What is a Swift Zhevra?
This was the first mount available to the Refer-a-Friend program.
What is quilboar?
Razormane and Bristleback are the two fueing trives of this monster race.
What is Kalimdor?
Silithus, Desolace, and Stonetalon Mountains can be found here.
What is hunter?
Chuck Norris' character in his WoW TV Commercial.
Who is Malorne?
This is Cenarius' Father.
What is Invincible.
This is the name of the Lich King's horse that can be obtained by players.
What are Old Gods?
C'Thun and Yogg-Saron are members of this powerful, ancient race.
What is Naxxramas?
The name of the Scourge ziggurat that Kel'Thuzad was personally entrusted with.
What are Blood Elves?
In the burning Crusade, these could not be warriors.
Who are the Sha'tar?
This is the name of the Naaru faction that worked to defeat the Burning Legion in Outland.
What is one slot?
This is how many bag slots the Penny Pouch has.
What is the Scarlet Crusade?
This faction located in Tirisfal Glades was dedicated to the elimination of the Forsaken and all undead.
What is Sentry's Post?
MULTIPLE CHOICE: This cannot be found in Tol Barad: Ironclad Garrison, Sentry's Post, Slagworks, Warden's Vigil.
What are the Ethereals.
This race of astral travelers offer their transmogrification services to the player characters.
Who is Varian Wrynn?
This faction leader went missing en route to a diplomatic summit at Theramore Isle.
What is Thunderfury?
This is the name of the legendary sword that was once wielded by the Prince of Air, Thunderaan.
What is the bodies of women and children?
This is what Thaddius was created from.