Ancient Civilizations Famous Early Leaders Buddhism Religion Miscellaneous
What is The Sumerians
Inventors of the earliest form of writing, a calendar, & math concepts.
Who is Moses
Leader of the Hebrews that led them out of slavery and was given a set of life rules by Yahweh (God).
What is The Caste System
An Indian structured system of social classes and restriction. The segregations have been the source of much discontent.
What is The Ten Commandments
Set of biblical principles relating to ethics and worship, which play a fundamental role in Judaism and Christianity.
What is Mesopotamia
The cradle of civilization in the West. It was along the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in present-day Iraq beginning about 5000 B.C.
What is The Phoenicians
Great sailors on the Mediterranean. They devised the alphabet that became the model for later Western alphabets.
Who is Hammurabi
The King of Babylon in the 1700s B.C. that wrote a complete collection of laws with scaled punishments for various offenses.
What is The Eightfold Path
It describes the way to the end of suffering and the achievement of self-awakening for Buddhists.
What is The Hebrews
They became known as the Jews. They escaped slavery and developed Judaism by writing the Old Testament of the Bible.
What is The Rosetta Stone
Stone with writing on it in two languages (Egyptian and Greek), using three scripts (hieroglyphic, demotic, and Greek).
What is The Lydians
The first people in history to use coined money (around 600 B.C.).
Who is Cyrus
Persian king around 550 B.C. that was one of the greatest leaders in all history.
What is Siddhartha Guatama
Founder of the religion of Buddhism around 500 B.C.
Who is Zoroaster
A prophet and religious reformer that said man’s nature was good or bad. Unethical behavior was a sin, especially lying.
What is The Persian Wars
Series of conflicts between Persia and Greek city-states that resisted Persia’s tyrannical rule.
What is Ghana
The earliest of the West African kingdoms. It was important in the gold-for-salt exchange network.
Who is Menes
Pharaoh that united all of Egypt’s kingdoms along the Upper and Lower Nile River to become one country in 3100 B.C.
What is The Rig Veda
A collection of Indian knowledge, hymns, prayers, and religious teachings from 1500 B.C.
Who is Lao Tsu (Laozi)
Philosopher of ancient China and founder of Taoism (Daoism) which is about finding peace and harmony in life through heaven and earth.
What is The Punic Wars
A series of three wars fought between Rome and Carthage in which Rome was ultimately victorious.
What is Kush
Ancient African kingdom situated in the southern/upper Nile River system in the present-day nation of Sudan.
Who is Chandragupta Maurya
He established the first great Indian empire by conquering and then uniting all of India. He was its first great emperor.
What is The Upanishads
Lessons of morality and philosophy. The basis for Hinduism.
What is Legalism
Chinese philosophy that was about having strict laws and harsh punishments.
What is The Minoan Civilization
Civilization on Crete that dominated the Aegean Sea region. It is referred to as “the first link in the European chain.”

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