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What was considered the "brightest jewel in the crown" of the British Empire? This colony was a significant source of cotton, tea, and silk?
The canal gave them quicker access to colonies in Africa and Asia.
Why was the location of the Suez Canal most important to the British during the time of imperialism?
He adopted Enlightenment ideals and began revolutions against Spanish authority
How was Simón Bolívar influenced by the American and French Revolutions?
the support of the common people
The political revolutions of the 1700’s & 1800’s were lead by which class of people?
established international organizations
How did nations act to reduce the possibility of future wars after both World War I & World War II?
Queen Victoria
Her reign of 63 years and 7 months is longer than that of any other British monarch and the longest of any female monarch in history. It was a period of industrial, cultural, political, scientific, and military change within the United Kingdom, and was ma
It increased due to the belief that superior groups could dominate inferior ones.
How did Social Darwinism affect the spread of European imperialism?
It meant control of the Suez Canal in order to have quicker access to colonies in the empire
Why did the British government consider control of Egypt critical to the British Empire?
independence movements began against colonial rule
What was the most important effect on Latin America as a result of the American and French revolutions?
President Roosevelt implemented a massive government spending program
. How did the U.S. government respond to the global depression in the 1930’s?
Autobiography of a worker
Describe an example of primary source information on child labor in Great Britain in the 1800s?
Coal production increased
What was a major effect of the development of the steam engine?
John Locke
The ideas behind the development of a democraticrepublican form of government and the Bill of Rights in North America can best be attributed to which writer during the enlightenment?
Insensitive and indebted monarchy, Influence of Enlightenment thought, Uprising in the lower classes and Weakening of the power of the Catholic Church
List causes of the French Revolution.
Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin
Which national leaders headed Allied governments during World War II?
Children were a cheap supply of labor
Why were child labor conditions permitted to exist in Britain during the 1800s?
People had a greater choice in work, and there was a greater availability of food. This led to a greater quality of life.
Describe the relationship of economic freedom and improved quality of life for people during and immediately after the Industrial Revolution?
Russian Revolution
Military Failure in Great War → Scandal in the Royal Family → ___________________ → End of the Romanov Dynasty.
It played no part
How did censorship of the press play a roll in the French Revolution?
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Which event sparked the start of World War I?
The phrase "European oppression" as it relates to Asia would be an example of which “ism”?
Industrialized nations had more worldwide power, Government became more involved in protecting the needs of producers, consumers, and workers, People had access to public parks, transportation, and education
List 3 long-term effects of the Industrial Revolution on society.
Napoleon gaining power and establishing his Civil Code
The social and political disorder of the French Revolution led to the eventual rise of which French ruler?
Declaration of Independence
Which American document most likely influenced the writers of the Declaration of the Rights of Man?
The canal was a center of world trade and traffic for Allied forces
In 1945, the Japanese navy had plans to attack the Panama Canal using a specially built submarine capable of launching a plane against a target. Why did the Japanese government plan to attack and destroy the canal?