It’s in the Question | Summer | Words with “Sand” | World History | 4-letter words |
What is Champagne
Sparkling wine sold under the name Champagne must come from this region in France.
What is the summer solstice?
The longest day of the year, this marks the beginning of the summer season.
What is a sandwich?
Hoagie, hero, sub.
What is the Silk Road(s)?
The name for the path between Europe and China, along which goods were traded.
What is jury?
Once you turn 18 it's your "duty" as a U.S. citizen to serve on one of these groups in court when called.
What is the Museum of Modern Art/ MOMA?
Founded in 1929, this New York Museum is dedicated to modern art.
What is the Summer Olympics?
An event where athletes from every country can compete to win medals in a variety of summer sports, it happens every four years changing the hosting city each time.
What is quicksand?
Desert, sinking, hole.
What is Buddha?
Siddhartha Gautama is more commonly known by this name.
What is hymn?
It's a song, frequently sung in church, in praise of God.
What is Independence Hall?
The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were both signed in this Philadelphia Hall.
What is watermelon?
What are sandals?
Foot, cover, summer.
What is Mesopotamia?
This area was known as the "land between two rivers" and was the "cradle of civilization."
What is spud?
It's slang for a potato.
What is It?
It is the title of the Stephen King novel about the creepy clown Pennywise.
What is July?
This month has been designated as “National Ice Cream Month”.
What is sandpaper?
Rough, paint, finish.
What is Chivalry?
A code of honor for knights to follow.
What is wild?
This type of "goose chase" is fruitless.
What is Tower Bridge?
This drawbridge that spans the Thames River adjoins the Tower of London.
Where is Death Valley, California?
The highest temperature in the world was recorded here (134 degrees).
What is an ampersand?
Punctuation representing the word and.
What is 1453?
The year that Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Empire.
What is slug?
To hit hard, or a snail cousin