Short Vowel Sounds Blends and Digraphs Long Vowel Sounds ing Other Spelling Patterns
It is ă.
What is the short vowel sound in the word catch?
What is sl.
Name the blend in the word "slam."
What is (snake, these, ice, tote, fluke...)
Spell a word with a Sneaky E, where the vowel says it's name. (CVCe)
What is ____.
Spell any word with "ing" at the end.
What is (boy, toy, coy...)
Name and spell an OY word
What is (skit, kit, mit, hit...or any other short i word).
Name and spell a short i word.
What is "ch"
Name the digraph in the word "cheat."
What is o(CONSONANT)e (or Sneaky E) and OA.
Name two ways to make a long O sound.
What is ____.
Spell two words with "ing" at the end.
What is himself, herself, myself.
Spell a compound word that has "self" in it.
What is (elephant, umbrella...)
Name and spell a word that has TWO short vowel sounds in it.
What is (bl, br, cl, cr, dr, fr, tr, fl, gl, gr, pl, pr, sl, sm, sp and st)
Name two blends.
What is ee, ea, and eCe (Sneaky E).
Name three ways to make a long E sound.
What is (crying, frying, flying...)
Name and spell a word where the base word is the same with or without ING-- Example: TRYing.
What is (headache, headphones, bookmark, daylight, bookworm, headlight, sunlight, headstrong...)
Name and spell any compound word (a word that has two words put together, like bookshelf).
What is ă, ĕ, ĭ, ŏ, ŭ.
Name the 5 short vowel sounds (as sounds, not letters).
What is (sh, ch, th, and wh)
Name two digraphs.
What is AY or AI or Sneaky E (or other).
Name two ways to make a long A sound and spell the two words correctly.
What is (writing...)
Name and spell a word where you have to drop the E at the end in order to add ING to it.
What is P and H (ph).
The letters G and H when put together make the /f/ sound. Name two other letters that when put together make the /f/ sound.
What is steady (any ea that says ĕ)
Name an oddball word that sounds like a short vowel, but looks like it make a long vowel sound.
What is (bleacher, preacher, breacher, trash...)
Name and spell a word with one blend and one digraph in it.
What is OO, OA, EE, EA, Sneaky E, AY, AI
In one minute, write down as many long vowel sound patterns as you can. You must get at least 7 to get these points.
What is (shopping, hopping, mopping, knitting...)
Name and spell a word where you have to double the consonant in order to add ING to it.
What is (favor, doctor, rather, solar, weather, father, mirror).
In words like othER, colOR, and collAR, -er, -or, and -ar all make the same sound. Name and spell three other words using those spelling patterns.

Word Study--First Grade

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