Sports | Hip-hop | Barbering | 2016 Election |
Who are the ''Chicago Cubs"?
Who won the 2016 MLB World Series?
Who is lil wayne?
This rapper considered ''Birdman'' his father.
What is barba?
From what Latin word is the word barber derived from?
Who is Hillary Clinton?
Who is the 2016 Democratic Presidential Nominee?
What is 5?
How many Championships rings does Kobe Bryant have?
Who are nas and jay-z?
These New York rappers battled with tracks such as "Ether'' and "Takeova''.
What is a bald spot on top of the head?
What is a tonsure?
Who is Donald Trump?
Who is the 2016 Republican Presidential Nominee?
. Who is Stephen Curry?
This player was the first NBA player unanimously decided MVP
Who is camron?
New York rapper Vado is the protégé of which Harlem legend?
What is henna?
What is an Egyptian coloring agent?
What is 538?
How many Electoral College Electors are there?
Who is Brett Farve?
This NFL player is all-time leader in fumbles.
Who is kid cudi?
Which rapper has "two older brothers, one hood, one good, an independent older sister, kept (him) fly when she could"?
What is the barber pole?
What is the symbol of barber surgeons?
What is 270?
How many Electoral College votes are required to be elected president?
Who is Rafael Nadal?
This male tennis player had 14 total Grand Slam Champions.
Who is b.o.b?
This rappers also goes by "Bobby Ray"
What is 1893, Chicago, IL?
What is year and location of America's first barber school?
What is Tuesday November 8th?
When is the 2016 Elections?