Dwellings | Transportation | Food | Tools | Clothing |
What is wikuwmol or wigwams
Wolastoqiyik used resources from their environment to create what?
What is the forest?
What was a source to find materials to build different forms of transportation?
What is land and water?
Wolastoqiyik used resources form these places.
What are rocks?
These were used to make tools such as axes, scrapers, and spearheads.
What is the environment?
Wolastoqiyik made clothing using materials from where?
What are poles?
Wolastoqey gathered what to make the wigwams?
What is birchbark?
Cedar and what were used to build canoes?
What are small and large animals?
They hunted these on land.
What are bones or antlers?
Axes, arrowheads and spearheads were also make out of these items.
What are moccasins?
Wolastoqiyik wore leggings and these, made from moose hide or deer hide.
What is a circle
The poles to make the wigwam were stuck in the ground and what was formed?
What is waterproof.
Birchbark is flexible and what to help make the canoes perfect.
What are fish?
The river provided this to eat.
What are baskets?
The bark from trees were used to make these items.
What are tunics?
The women wore these, that were tied at the waist.
What is birchbark or animal skin
This was wrapped around the shell to create walls?
What is cedar?
This was easily split to form different parts of the canoe frame.
What is fishing?
Wolastoqiyik planned a seasonal round of hunting, gathering and what?
What are pronged spears?
Wolastoqi developed these to catch fish.
What are sleeves?
These were sometimes detachable from the shirts.
What are boughs?
These were placed on the ground and covered with a mat.
What is beech trees?
These type of trees were used to make toboggans and snowshoes for winter travel.
What are beans/corn or squash?
Wolastoqiyik planted what type of vegetables?
What are torches?
They used this to attract fish at night?
What are finges?
These were sewn on clothing not only for decoration but also to wick rain away from clothing.