Scrub-a-Dub-Dub | Control Yourself! | Customer Service | CAPLICO |
Nail beds, under your nails, and between your fingers
What parts of your hands require special attention when washing?
In the hallways!
Gloves should never be worn where?
Who is responsible for answering call lights?
Love One Another
20 seconds
How long should you scrub?
False! C-diff is not killed by alcohol based hand rubs or soap and water. Wear gloves!
True or false, washing your hands kills the c-diff
Whose job is it to take care of the residents?
To stop the spread of diseases
Why do we wash our hands?
By contact and through the air
How are germs spread?
on your break, in the break room, or out of the building (not on the hall, even if you're on the break)
Cell phones are only allowed
Passion for Learning
After interactions with a resident. Before interactions with a resident. Before and after eating. Before and after using the restroom.
Name three times when we must wash our hands.
Less than 40 degrees Fahrenheit
Food must be stored at what temperature?
Fill out a grievance with social services
What can a resident do if they have a compliant?
Intelligent Risk Taking
If hands are not visibly soiled. Wash hands intermittently between use of sanitizer.
When is it appropriate to use sanitizer instead of washing?
Gloves, mask, gown, hat, beard cover
List 4 types of personal protective equipment
1. When the resident wants to be called this. 2. When it is on the care plan!
When is it appropriate to call a resident "Grandpa" "Granny" or another epithet (2 requirements)?
Customer Second, Celebration
C (two answers)