Multiple Choice | True or False | Short Answers | Video Questions | Vocabulary |
Who was the Sin'gansa
a. Priest b. Witch Doctor c. Spiritual Dancer |
True or False: Christmas 2001 was the same as the previous years.
a. True b. False |
How did Geoffrey lose his Dad?
What was William's mother going to do to save the family from famine?
How is Nsima important?
a. Food staple b. important diet c. Both a&b |
True or False: Bakill Muluzi was a benevolent president & believed the government’s job was to take care of the citizens.
a. True b. False |
How did the Great Famine occur in Malawi?
What is one of Willams' younger sisters names?
How did people become ill?
a. Food poisoning b. Consuming food mixed with sawdust c. Widespread disease |
True or False: All Malawians do not have access to electricity in their homes.
a. True b. False |
What shop William open?
What animal became Khamba's play friend and was eventually sold for food?
What was the cause of death of Geoffrey's father?
a. Lung Cancer b. Stomach Disease c. Tuberculosis d. Emphysema |
True or False: Tobacco was not sold for food.
a. True b. False |
How long did the drought last in Malawi up until now?
In what year did Malawi have a drought in and why?
What initial environmental problem caused the famine?
a. Flood b .Drought c. Crop shortage |
How much of maize was William cheated out of in the Government building?