famous quotes | Urban Dictionary Definitions | words with a z | Punny | 2 movies 1 actor/actress |
Tony Soprano
"I find I have to be the sad clown: laughing on the outside, crying on the inside."
To discard an item at a high velocity
Italians make-a the _______
Then it hit me
I was wondering why the ball was getting bigger.
Emma Watson
Beauty and the beast/Harry Potter
Jeremy Grey/Vince Vaughn
"I hope you flip your bike over and knock your two front teeth out! You selfish son of a bitch! You leave me in the trenches taking grenades, John!"
A super awesome song. The kind you listen to for three hours on repeat on Spotify.
To have a fluffy or frayed texture
Hebrews it
How does Moses make coffee?
Jason Segal
Forgetting Sarah Marshall/The Muppets Movie
“This is going to sound weird, but for a second, I think you took on the shape of a unicorn.”
Down Bad
When someone is depressingly horny
to study the animal kingdom
B positive
My dad unfortunately passed away when we couldn’t remember his blood type. His last words to us were
Ryan Reynolds
RIPD/X men origins
Patrick Roy
I didn't hear him because my two Stanley Cup rings were plugging my ears.
The Smoke
Beef, Trouble, Confrontation, Gun battle
A zinger
A solid insult would be this
Thanks for nothing
To the guy who invented zero
Paul Rudd
Avengers Infinity War/Anchorman
Stanley Hudson
If I don’t have some cake soon, I might die
Ex. when a girl walks by with a phat ass |
pre main course
England doesn’t have a kidney bank, but it does have a
James Franco
Spiderman 2/127 Hours