W | I | C | O | R |
What does the W stand for in WICOR?
What does the I stand for in WICOR?
What does the C stand for in WICOR
What does the O stand for in WICOR
What does the R stand for in WICOR
To communicate out thoughts on paper
What is writing used for?
To communicate our questions
How do we use inquiry in AVID?
Teachers, Counselors, Coaches, etc...
Who can we collaborate with in school?
What is a tool in AVID we can use to organize
Note taking,
graphic organizers, Summarizing
What is an example of a reading strategy?
Cornell notes,
Reflections, Quick writes, Peer evaluations
What is an example of writing strategies
Tutorials/Study groups
What is an example of an inquiry strategy?
Group projects
What are some examples of collaboration strategies?
Calendar/Planner, Tutorials, Study groups
What is an example of an organization strategy?
Helps grow reading skills to understand college curriculum
How can reading prepare you for college?
Helps us better understand the information we are given by taking notes
How does writing help us have a better understanding of what we are learning?
Asking questions
What is the definition of inquiry?
It can help with getting the information we need or clear up any confusion
How does collaboration help us?
Helps with time management,
knowing your schedule, knowing where things are, etc.
How can organization help us prepare for college?
Helps make connection with the test,
Grow reading skills
How can reading help you?
Take notes to use for studying for a future test
How can we incorporate writing in the classrooms?
What is one app that lets you use your inquiry skills?
What is the most used collaborative social media platform?
Create an outline,
Take notes, Communicate
How can you keep organized during a group/team project?
Better engagement/understanding of the text
What can students gain from reading?