Breeding | Community | Arena | Axie Types | Cards |
How many times can you breed a pair of axies?
Name 1 class type that does bonus damage against plants
Beast and bug
Axies which have all their body parts belonging to their class are called pure axies. Axies which have a combination of different class parts are called ____
Chopsuey/hybrid axies
How many days does it take for an axie egg to hatch?
This person is the co-founder of Axie Infinity. He also becomes your father when you land criticals in the game
Jeff Zirlin/Jiho(z)
What does the debuff "lethal" do?
Next attack will be critical
The cheapest axies which are on the first page of the marketplace are called ____
Floor axies
Swift Escape (Goldfish) gives you a speed up. But it only works if ____
You get attacked
Not all axies can be bred together. Give an example of when 2 axies cannot be bred together
Siblings and Parent-Child
What do the top 1000 players on the leaderboard receive by the end of the season?
If both axies have the same speed, what is the next factor that determines which one goes first?
Lowest HP
There are three secret classes in Axie Infinity which are created by breeding a special combination of pure axies. Name the three secret classes.
Dawn, Dusk, Mech
Mystic Rush (Lagging), Sticky Goo (Snail Shell), and Allergic Reaction (Thorny Caterpillar) are bug cards. But they're usually used by what class?
The ____ gene is what determines the stats and body parts/cards of an axie
The release of the new ____ has caused SLP to pump recently.
Ronin Dex
Name or explain one kind of Meta team that dominates the arena now
Jumping lason, shrimpinator, double anemone, etc.
These are the first batch of axies to ever come into existence. They have no parents. What are they called?
Origin axies
Terror Chomp (Cute Bunny), Barb Strike (Garish Worm), and Bug Signal (Antenna) are examples of cards that cannot work unless you play them in a ____
Even if you breed two 100% axies, there is still a chance for one of the genes to change into a different gene, and you'd end up with an offspring that's less than 100%. This is called a ____
This youtuber is arguably one of the best axie players. He always starts his videos off with "I hope this video finds you well". What is his name?
Morale is a stat attribute that can increase your chances of landing a critical hit. But it can also increase your chances of ____
Entering last stand/having more last stand ticks
These axies are developed by MEO Corporation which feature Bionic Parts. They are also known as "King of the Axies" and there are only three of them in the world.
This is the only 2 energy cost card in the game. What is it called? (card name or body part name)
Sweet Party (Strawberry Shortcake)