What is 16th Dec 2003
This is Varun's Birthday
What is Band
This was Varun's favorite Class in High School
What is Timpani
This is Varun's favorite band instrument to play
What is the Mazda Miata
This is Varun's dream car
What is Sound! Euphonium
This is Varun's favorite Anime
What is 5 ft 11"
This is Varun's height on this Driver's license
What is Physics
This was Varun's favorite non-elective class
What is Roselia, Linkin Park or Cold Play
This is one of Varun's favorite bands
What is an Acura MDX
This was Varun's first car
Who is Setsuna Yuki
She is Varun's favorite Anime character
What is 11
This is Varun's Shoe size
What is zero
This is the number of times Varun has been called to the Dean's office for trouble making
What is Music of the Spheres by Cold Play
This is Varun's favorite album
What is the Mazda CCX-30
This is Varun's current car
What is Kyoto animation
This is Varun's favorite animation studio
What is Cost Rica
Varun was here when he took his first shot of alchohol
What is three days
This is Varun's longest streak in "Last one in"
What is "A literal breath of Life"
Varun uses this phrase to describe Roselia's song "Sing Alive"
What is the 2021 Bahrain Grand Prix
This is first Formula 1 race Varun has seen
What is ERASED
This was the first anime Varun watched
What is a Ninja
Varun was this for Halloween more than 3 times
What is CALC BC
Varun is most proud of his score on this AP exam
This is Varun's favorite piece of classical music
Who is Carlos Sainz
This is Varun's favorite Formula 1 driver
Who is Reina Kousaka
Varun once posted a spam of 619 different images of this anime character