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Older Country
What is my favourite type of music?
Anne of Green Gables
What is my favourite book?
What is my least favourite season?
Drivers Licence or Sweet But Psycho
What is my least favourite song?
9, more boys
How many kids do I want, and more boys or girls?
What is my favourite holiday?
Forrest Gump, or The Book Thief
What is my favourite movie?
What is my least favourite fast food place?
Heights, Dying, Skunks
What is my biggest fears
The farm
Where do I want to get married?
Chilli, Potatoes, and Dry Ribs
If I could only one meal for the rest of my life, what what that meal be?
Mint Chocolate Chip
What is my favourite ice cream flavour?
Cherry, or anything with hunks of fruit
What is my least favourite ice cream flavour?
Greenish-Brown (Think beaus fresh droppings)
What is my least favourite colour?
A middle school teacher or in the Military
What job do I want?
Chapped lips, or loud chewers
What is my biggest pet peeve?
On the right side
What is my go-to sleeping position?
What is my least favourite food?
Squatted Truck
What is my least favourite type of car?
Travel either to teach English to kids in other countries, or to go on deployments
What is something I want to do with my job when I am older?
What is one job I would never do?
What is the top place on my bucket list outside of Canada?
Grape Crush
What is my least favourite pop?
What is my least favourite starburst flavour?
Loyal, Hardworking, Respectful, Loving, Funny
5 qualities I will look for in a husband?