Continents of the World | Italian Cuisine |
While this place is first alphabetically, it is second as far as population and size among the Earth’s continents. About 1 billion people live in the 54 countries in this place
What is is traditionally cooked al dente and served with pasta sauces such as pesto, marinara, or arrabbiata. this Pasta a popular ingredient in pasta salads.
What is the continent is the most southern of the seven continents and includes the South Pole. It is also the least populated with less than 5,000 residents. Antarctica is known as the coldest landmass and has few native plants or animals. Much of the la
What is a synonym for pasta with butter and parmesanone of the oldest and simplest way to prepare pasta
What is the earliest human inhabitants inwere from Asia and crossed into Alaska over the Bering land bridge during an ice age. The arrival of Europeans occurred in the mid 1600s
North America
What is is an oven-baked flat bread typically topped with a tomato sauce, cheese and various toppings
What is Colonization efforts by Spanish and Portuguese explorers ultimately lead to the prevalence of those languages on the continent.
South America
What is the continent is the most isolated and remote of the continents and has been least influenced by migrations of people, plants and animals