The Impact of Geography | Athens-The Foundation of Democracy | Sparta- A Military State | The Beginnings of Democracy/The Golden Age of Greece | Peloponnesian War |
What is sea travel?
What kind of travel was important to the Greeks because they lacked natural resources?
Who are the sons of wealthy families?
Who received an education in Athens?
What is creativity and individual expression?
What was discouraged in Sparta?
What is drama, sculpture, poetry, philosophy, architecture, and science reached new heights?
What happened during the Golden age of Athens?
What is Sparta declared war on Athens because they were both too powerful not to be the most powerful?
Who declared war on who in the Peloponnesian War and why?
What is a mountainous landscape?
What geographical feature caused the development of city-states or polises?
What is 18 years or older and has had a permanent residence in the US for at least 5 years?
What are the requirements to be a citizen in the USA?
What is became helots?
What happened to Spartan prisoners?
What is it started in Ancient Greece when the people had enough of tyrants and decided to share power?
How did democracy begin?
What is Sparta won when Athens surrendered?
Who won the Peloponnesian war?
What is take part in outdoor public meetings?
What did men spend much of their leisure time doing because of the mild climate?
What is death and Draco's?
2 ANSWERS!!!!!!!
What was the punishment for nearly every crime in _______ legal code? |
What is 7, 30, and 60?
What ages did boys start living in barracks, leave the barracks, then leave the army?
What is it allowed everyone to run for office, not just the wealthy/those who could afford it?
How did Pericles' paying public officials more strengthen democracy?
What is Syracuse crushed them and they left 2 years later, losing almost their entire army?
What happened after Athens sent 20,000 soldiers to destroy the city-state of Syracuse (Sicily)?
What is one million?
Historians estimate that no more than _________ people lived in Greece at any given time.
Who is Solon?
Who organized all Athenian citizens into four social classes according to wealth, allowing only the top three to hold public office, but all to partake in assemblies?
What is the Council of Elders (30 older citizens) proposed laws, which the Assembly (all Spartan citizens) voted on, which were then passed on to 5 elected officials who carried out the laws passed. 2 kings ruled over Sparta's military forces...?
How did the Spartan government work?
What is strengthening the navy and beautifying Athens?
What 2 things did Pericles put the money he stole from the Delian league to?
What is a raging disease killed a third of the population and Pericles?
What was the effect of Pericles bringing all of the residents from the surrounding region inside city walls to protect them from Sparta?
What are 48 degrees F (winter) and 80 degrees F (summer)?
The climate averaged between _____ degrees F in the winter and _____ degrees F in the summer
What is to propose laws and counsel the assembly?
What was the job of the Council of 500?
What is when their helots (the Messenians) rebelled, outnumbering them 8 to 1, and nearly took over Sparta? (roughly 650 B.C.)
What triggered the rise of Sparta's harsh military regimen?
What is 1) to strengthen Athenian democracy, 2) to hold and strengthen the empire, and 3) to glorify Athens?
What were Pericles 3 goals for Athens?
What is
5 2 4 1 3
Number the events in order (1 being first):
__ Athens and their allies surrendered to Spartta __Athens suffered a terrible plague and Pericles died __Athens launched an attack on Syracuse __Sparta declared war on Athens __A truce was signed by Athens and Sparta |