Where the money came from | The illegals | What we drive | Make It Social | We fight the law |
Who is 1992?
Year Laurel was incorporated
Who is Javier valez
First illegal to work for Laurel
What is ace of spades?
Brand of first tree spade
What is 2018?
Year of first parade we were in
Who is Henry?
This employee was removed from the insurance policy for too many violations
What is model maintenance?
Ryland paid us $4000 a month to have kids do this
Who is Jose
Sent back to Mexico for assault with a pool cue
What is dodge shadow?
Vehicle we bought from one of our illegals after it was totaled by another worker
What is Atlantis.
Easy come, easy go - Kip lost $900 on the first night at this location
Who was Theresa the Turkey.
Police brought this well loved mascot back to the farm
Who is Ray Rozeboom?
Silent partner who helped us buy Priam land
What are cans of gasoline?
Hidden in bushes at Ridgedale for Edgar
Who is Drew.
With a rodent draped over the steering wheel, this seasonal employee went ballistic
Who is Marcus Samuelson?
Famous chef that served Blair dessert
What is burning fires?
Permit required, but we never comply
What is the light rail?
Job that saved us during the recession, relying on the Sanchez boys…
Who is consuelo?
Only woman ever hired….for one week
What is “ag plates”?
Our saving grace at the dmv or when stopped by vehicle inspections
Who is Randy Moss?
Our celebrity client, but didn’t know it until we saw his name on his alarm system
What is Sally’s?
You’d find Henry here when the barn was burning down at Jefferson.
What is east view or Woodbury high school?
Job with most trees we ever planted at one site
Who is Churro, Sergio and Norberto?
Three Alias names for Marios brother (not Soda)
Who is Cole.
This employee crashed into a station wagon while learning to drive a golf cart with mom
What is rainforest cafe?
A young Blair orders a Tarzan steak to keep up with Kip at this restaurant
What is a helicopter?
Lucky to not get sued after Cole’s inebriated friend left the farm in this.