Acronyms New concepts True or False Bonus questions
Bring Your Own Pen
What does BYOP mean?
A is correct
What is benchmarking?
A A hobby created by which consists of users finding survey markers placed all over the US
B lifting weights
C Using a GPS receivers to visit dashpoints
False it moves with it
A tag stays in the first place the cache was hidden true or false?
A Hidden container with a logbook
What’s a geocache?
First To Find
What does FTF mean?
C is correct
What is a waymark?
A a hotel site
B the box a geocache comes in
C a symbol or signpost marking the route of a footpath
The cache has to be trackable true or false?
The names of the people who have found that cache
What’s in a logbook?
Stuff We All Get
What does SWAG mean?
B is correct
What is geodashing?
A a Disney show
B when teams of players use GPS receivers to find dashpoints
C A signpost marking the root of a footpath
False you have to trade something you have for that prize
you don’t have to leave anything if you take a prize true or false?
A is correct
What is Letterboxing?
A finding a box in a hidden location and stamping your notebook and the notebook inside the box with a stamp
B users finding survey markers placed all over the US
C sending something in the mail

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