Fossil Fuels | Energy | Biomass energy | Wind Energy | Geothermal Energy |
Do all fossil fuels contain carbon?
What are the two types of energy?
Non-renewable |
Is manure a type of biomass energy source?
What is wind energy?
Wind energy is a process by which the wind is used to generate mechanical energy or electricity.
What are the three types of geothermal power plants?
Dry steam, flash team, and binary cycle
Name a use for fossil fuels
Used as heat in home furnaces, to produce heat, or to drive generators to supply electricity.
Which is a non renewable resource
-Tidal -Hydro -Coal -Solar -Coal
What are some examples of biomass energy:
-wood -soybeans -paper -animal manure
All of the above
What is the country that uses the most energy?
What is the origin of geothermal?
Greek Geo (Earth)
Therme (heat) |
What are fossil fuels?
Fuel formed from the fossilized, buried remains of plants and animals.
What is a renewable source?
A natural resource that is unlimited in quantity.
Is biomass energy a renewable or non-renewable source?
What are three advantages of wind power?
-Cost effective
-Creates jobs -Clean fuel source |
Geysers are a source of what energy?
Are fossil fuels renewable?
No fossil fuels are non-renewable.
What is a non-renewable source?
A natural resource that cannot be replaced because it has a limited quantity.
What is Biomass energy?
Energy generated or produced by living or once living organisms.
What are types of wind energy?
-Dutch type grain grinding wind mills
-Multiblade water pumping wind mills |
What is a type of acidic hot spring?
Mud pots
Which of these is not a fossil fuel?
-Crude Oil -Natural Gas -Uranium -Coal
What is the most efficient and sustainable type of energy?
hydro energy
Was biomass the largest source of total annual U.S. energy consumption until the mid 1800's?
The rotation of the earth causes what energy?
What do geothermal power plants use to produce electricity?