In the Classroom | On the playground | At Lunch | Mystery |
You are coloring in class and someone steals your crayons
You are playing basketball and someone steals the ball and runs away
Someone cuts right in front of you in the lunch line
Someone makes fun of your brother or sister
You ask the teacher for help and other kids laugh at you
Someone you don't get along with comes up and hits you on the arm
You drop your lunch on the floor and others laugh at you
Your parents take away your favorite video game
Someone trips you on purpose
You try to play with your friends and they ignore you
There is no room for you at the lunch table
Someone calls you stupid
Your friend tells your deepest darkest secret to everyone in the class
Someone accidentally hits you in the head with a ball
You get sent to the back of the line for pushing
You lose your favorite jacket
Someone accuses you of stealing their toy and you get in trouble
You want to play tetherball but all your friends want to play basketball
Someone pushes you in line and you fall on the ground
Someone tattles on you to the teacher