The 把-sics To 把 or not to 把? (that is the question) 把 To The Bone I Can't Believe It's Not 把-tter
What is 把?
The key sentence component missing in this sentence:

Simplified: 我你要的书找到了。

Traditional: 我你要的書找到了.
What is an example of a 把 structure sentence?
Please put the pen on the desk.
What is a "reduplicated verb"?

(Bonus Xin Laoshi points if they say "duplicated verb" rather than "reduplicated.")
A common "把" ending seen in this example, this is an "other element" that may have you seeing double:

Simplified: 你把这张照片看看.

Traditional: 你把這張照片看看。
What is "How did you manage to forget your girlfriend's birthday?"
The English translation of this 把 sentence:

Simplified: 你怎么把女朋友的生日忘了?

Traditional: 你怎麼把女朋友的生日忘了?
What is 我?
The "Other Element" in this sentence:

Simplified: 清把那条裤子给我。

Traditional: 請把那條褲子給我.
What is an example of a possible 把 structure sentence?
Please bring this apple to the teacher.
What is a "resultative complement?"
This "other element," as seen in this example, indicates you not only can start the burgers, but finish them as well:

Simplified: 你把这五个汉堡包吃完。

Traditional: 你把這五個漢堡包吃完。
What is "Please take the tea in."
The English translation of this 把 sentence:

Simplified 请把茶拿进去。

Traditional: 請把茶拿進去。
What is the verb?
Without this key sentence component -- missing in this 把 sentence -- nothing would ever get done:

Simplified: 把这杯咖啡了。

Traditional: 把這杯咖啡了。
What is an example of not a 把 structure sentence?
I put a dictionary in your chair.
What is an indirect object?
When the object ends up in your hands as in this classic oldie-but-goodie 把 sentence, you are this "other element."

Simplified; 请把你的钱给我.

Traditional: 請把你的錢給我。
What is:

Simplified: 他们把酒都带来了。

Traditional: 他們把酒都帶來了。

Tāmen bǎ jiǔ dōu dài lái le.
The Chinese translation (using 把 structure)of this English sentence:

They all brought wine.
What is the 錢/money?
The object in this classic oldie-but-goodie 把 sentence:

Simplified: 老王把钱给小张了。

Traditional: 老王把錢給小張了。
What is an example of a possible 把 structure sentence?
Anli and Hua Lei wrote this character incorrectly.
What is a directional complement?
When the object ends up somewhere else, this "other element" tells you exactly where and in what direction, as seen in this powerful example:

Simplified: 您把您的名字写下来.

Traditional: 您把您的名字寫下來。
What is:

Simplified: 请你别把门开开。

Traditional: 請你別把門開開。

Qǐng nǐ bié bǎ mén kāi kāi.
The Chinese translation (using 把 structure)of this English sentence:

Please don’t leave the door open.
What are 把 and 到?
The key missing words in this beloved 把 sentence:

Simplified: 我 ? 你要的书找 ? 了。

Traditional: 我 ? 你要的書找 ? 了。
What is an example of not a 把 structure sentence?
Dai Lu gave Chaoshu Yisheng some money.
What is "le?" OR What is a "particle?"
This common 把 ending is similar to 着/著, however rather than showing an action "in progress", instead it indicates the action is complete.

What is any grammatically sound sentence you can come up with!
A 把 sentence involving a dog, a house, and Dai Lu.

What's 把 Got To Do With It?

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