Arrival | Selection | Death Camps vs. Labor Camps | Personal Items | Crematoriums vs. Gas Chambers |
It meant that you were a Jew.
What did having a yellow star on your jacket mean?
gas chambers
Those who were not fit to work were sentenced to ___ ________.
True of False: Death Camps and Labor Camps were the same thing.
True or False: Prisoners left many personal items.
It was a venue for the dead.
What was a crematorium?
True or False: The Jews had color coded circles on their jackets.
It was a process used to identify who was fit to work and who would be sentenced.
What was the selection process?
True or False: Living conditions were pleasant in labor camps.
True or False: Every single personal item left behind was kept.
How many main gas chambers were there?
1. men
2. women & children
What two groups were the prisoners separated in?
Only those who were mentally handicapped were sentenced to gas chambers.
Death camps
Which camp was used to commit mass murder?
-jewelry -kitchen utensils -suitcases -house keys -pocket watches -seals -boxes of letters -seal -domino tiles -binoculars -mug -broken ceramics -thimble
Name 3 things left behind in concentration camps.
Underground: Crematoria II and III
Above ground: IV and V
Which 2 crematoriums were underground, and which 2 crematoriums were above ground?
green triangle
What was the color and symbol criminals had on their jackets?
Before the age was brought down, children under the age of __ were not fit to work.
1. economic gain
2. cover labor shortages
Why did labor camps exploit prisoners?
True or False: For children, old toys were left behind.
Ovens previously used to burn animal debris and carcasses were used to cremate the dead.
What was used to burn the dead?
DaChau Badges Poster
What poster was used to color code the symbols on the prisoners' jackets based on their "fault"?
In ____, the age of ineligibility was brought down to 14.
carbon monoxide
Which chemical was used to kill those in gas chambers?
They left them as they were being led to gas chambers.
Where did prisoners leave behind their personal items?
Monoxide and Zyklon B
_______ and ______ _ were used to kill prisoners in gas chambers.