One at a time... | More... | More... | Two at a time... | Three at a time... |
What is Predicting?
I bet they change their minds about going to the park!
What is Summarizing?
So first you measure the cinnamon and then you add it to the flour mixture.
What is Connecting?
This reminds me of the trip I took with my mom and dad in high school.
What is Connecting and Questioning.
I just heard a story about this on the news...I wonder if they will both end the same way.
What is Monitoring and Evaluating w/Visualizing?
I have read it twice and I still can't see in my mind what the author is describing. Let me try to draw it.
What is Connecting?
This reminds me of the story we read last week about the whale who got separated from her pod.
What is Visualizing?
In my mind's eye they are a funny looking pair, because he is so much shorter than her!
What is Predicting?
Oh no, get out of the bathroom! The zombies will find you in there for sure!
What is Monitoring and Evaluating?
The author seems to think global warming is a hoax, but I don't agree.
What is Connecting, Predicting, and Summarizing?
This reminds me of when I fell off my bike...I think he will go and get a band-aid so he can keep playing, since first his friend came over and then they decided to ride to the ice cream store.
What is Questioning?
Ooh, I wonder why she did that?
What is Monitoring?
This is the third word in two sentences that I don't know. This book may be too hard for me.
What is Questioning?
I wonder what would happen if they decided to stay instead of go?
What is Questioning and Monitoring?
Who said there wasn't any room for them to stay? I'm going to look back and see...
What is Monitoring and Evaluating w/ Summarizing?
Whew, I finally got to the last chapter. Good thing I could understand it even though it was kind of boring. Let me think back to the beginning and try to retell what has happened so far.
What is Evaluating?
I really want to like this book, but I just can't get into it.
What is Evaluating?
I am going to put a sticky note here so that I can remember to look back when I write my paper.
What is Monitoring?
This just isn't making sense. What can I do to help myself?
What is Monitoring and Evaluating?
I realize I just read this whole page and have no idea what I just read. Guess I will have to reread it.
What is Predicting, Inferring, and Questioning?
Wow, I thought they were going to get back together, but it looks like they aren't...I wonder if they will stay friends?
What is Monitoring?
Huh, I read that twice and it still doesn't make sense.
What is Questioning?
Why did the family have to pack up and move West?
What is Evaluating?
Ugh, this book is boring because it is too easy for me.
What is Summarizing and Monitoring?
It just said she is 13, but she was 13 before her birthday party I just read about...let me look back.
What is Questioning, Monitoring, and Evaluating?
I wonder if a spider would do that in real life...I think I need to Google that...huh, interesting!