Role of the Courts | Six Core Principles of Special Ed | 5 Step Process of Special Ed | Acronyms of Special Ed | Placement Options |
What is the Court case that took place in 1954 that states separate vs. equal is not equal?
Brown vs. Board of Education
What principle allows parents to have input on any and all things for their child?
Procedural Safeguards
What step allows a team to discuss, recommend, and plan for what is best for a student?
Individualized Education Plan
What does the Acronym FAPE mean?
Free Appropriate Public Education
What placement option might have a child in a open environment along with other students?
A General Education Classroom
This case gave public schools the authority to deny a free education to children who had reached the age of 8, yet had not reached the mental age of 5.
PARC vs. Pennsylvania
What principle states that all test must be given in the students native language?
Non- Discriminatory
What step allows parents to send a formal letter to ask the school if her child can get special services?
What does the Acronym LRE mean?
Least Restrictive Environment
What placement option might have a child in a setting with students with disabilities?
Special Education Classroom
This court case ruled that students with disabilities must be given a public education even if the students are unable to pay for the cost of the education.
Mills vs. Board of Education
What two principles allows every student, no matter of disabilities, an education that has no cost, that is professional, and provides all services needed?
Zero Reject and Free Appropriate Education
What step is ongoing and requires a look every 3 years unless needed for other reasons?
Annual Review
What does the Acronym IDEA mean?
Individuals with Disability Education Act
What placement might require online learning due to a child being sick?
This court case stated that the state must provide services directly to students with disabilities when local school boards fail to do so.
Honig vs. Doe
What principle allows students to be in a setting that makes them successful?
Least Restrictive Environment
What step allows a child to be tested and observed
What does the Acronym IEP mean?
Individualized Education Plan
What placement might require a teacher coming to a student or have a specialist come to the student?
This court case stated schools are required to provide special education services to any student regardless of his/her severity of disability
Timothy vs. Rochester
What principle keeps all records closed unless they have permission/access to see them?
Parent/ Family Rights
What step is based off of a students IEP and LRE?
What does the Acronym TIC mean?
Trama Informed Curriculum
What placement might have a special education teacher on staff that can help them?