Staying Safe Online Online Searching Types of Websites Password Safety Online Dangers
False. If you don't know someone don't talk to them
True or False: You should follow or talk to people online who you don't know
Google, with over 70% of the search market share
What search engine do people use the most?
False. A lot of people who are bored would take the time
True or False: Every website online is accurate, cause who could take the time to make a fake one?
True. Make your passwords different so that if someone gets ahold of 1 of them it doesn’t mean they have ahold of everything else
True or False: You shouldn’t use the same password for everything
False. This person is a stranger and you do not know them. Block them and tell and adult
True or False: Its ok if you don’t block a stranger who is making advances towards you because you don’t want to hurt their feelings
Say no and tell an adult right away
If someone online you've never met asks you to meet up what should you do?
Joe Biden
Who was the most googled person in 2021?
As of June 2021 Google is the most visited website
What is the most visited website?
False. If someone tells you their password don’t change the way you act, still be respectful of their privacy and do them the favor of keeping it to yourself
True or False: If someone tells you their password its ok to abuse that secret, they told you, so they knew that was what was going to happen right?
What percent of US adults say they have come across false information on social media?
Tell a parent or other adult
What is the first thing you should do if you are in trouble online?
Google, which covers 90% of the worldwide market
What is the most accurate search engine?
True. Anyone can go onto Wikipedia and edit the pages adding false information which happens a lot
True or False: Wikipedia is not a very good site to use for accurate information
False. Do not make it common and something that you have told a lot of people or else it makes it easier to guess
True or False: Make your passwords obvious big things in your life so that you won’t forget them
More than 500,000
How many predators are online every single day?
Ages 12-15
What age group are more susceptible to being manipulated and groomed by a predator online?
Over 3.5 billion searches
How many questions is Google asked per day?
False. You should use multiple websites and double check information
True or False: When doing a project for school you should only use one website to mainly focus on
False. You should always document your passwords somewhere SAFE so that other people won’t find them and in case you forget them
True or False: NEVER write down your passwords because somebody could find them
What percent of American people say they regularly see fake news online?
Instant messaging and internet chat rooms
89% of all sexual advances towards children take place where?
What are the top 3 most Googled things?
56.5 billion webpages are indexed through Google
How many websites are there on Google?
6.85 million accounts are hacked every day which means 158 every second
What number of online accounts are hacked daily?
What percent of Americans say they have a great deal of confusion on basic facts because of fake online news?

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