Collision Repair Fundamentals | Safety | Mr. Bacon |
What is VIN #?
Vehicle Identification Number
What is Half mask
Filtered respirator that covers only the mouth and nose.
How many dogs do I have?
What is a D.A?
Dual Action sander
What is OSHA?
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
How many years have I worked in collision repair?
What is an Alloy?
mixture or solid solution composed of a metal and another element
What is MSDS?
Material Safety Data sheets
What is my favorite car brand?
What is a "Total Loss"?
When a vehicle is either unsafe to repair or the estimated damage exceeds the value of the vehicle
What is PPE
Personal protection equipment
What is the names of my chickens?
Martitia, Fritata, Ruby
What does HVLP mean?
High Volume Low Pressure
What is Isocyanates poisoning?
Over exposure to Hazardous Isocyanates found in most paints.
What is my favorite subject?