The West | Trails to the West | Conflict with Mexico | A Rush to the West | AT YOUR RISK |
What is the language of E Pluribus Unum?
John Jacob Astor
German immigrant and founder of the American Fur Company
Jim Bowie
(5XPOINTS) A knife was nicknamed after this man.
John Sutter
What is the name of the land owner where gold was first found in California?
(5XPOINTS) Which character wears the green dress in Cinderella?
Great Plains
What is the geographical area that lies between the Mississippi River and Rocky Mountains
What territory was the first to grant women the right to vote?
Stephen Austin
Who was given a large piece of land by Mexico to recruit American settlers into Texas?
What is the illegal marriage of more than one wife within the Mormons?
What material was first used to cover baseballs?
sun-dried mud bricks
Items left behind on the Oregon Trail as settlers had to lighten their wagons
Republic of Texas
Texas name while they were an independent country.
Joseph Smith
Founder of the Mormon Church
What is the name of Goofy’s son in The Extremely Goofy Movie?
What are the children of marriages between Spanish settlers, Native Americans, and African Americans referred as in the souther states?
Rocky Mountains
What mountain range stretches from the Canadian border down to New Mexico Territory?
Missionary that American faced a large defeat by the Mexican military.
Brigham Young
(2XPOINTS) Took over the leadership role of the Mormons, and moved the church to Utah.
Not wearing pants
What strange reason was Donald Duck banned in Finland?
(2XPOINTS) )What are American-born children of Spanish settlers referred to in the the southern states?
Jedidiah Smith
Famous mountain man who survived a bear attack.
Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
Became dictator of Mexico.
Levi Strauss
German-Jewish immigrant, became wealthy by providing miner’s with pants made from sturdy material that would not wear out quickly.
Minnesota Vikings
What NFL team lost the first Super Bowl in 1970?