Before the War | The Trenches and Tech | The Guns of August | Total War | Europe in Shambles |
What is all opposition to war?
What are tunnels dug in a defensive position by 2 armies in a stale mate?
Who's assassination sparked the first conflicts of WWI?
Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary
What is a deadlock in which neither side is able to defeat the other?
What is the final death count of World War I?
8.5 million
What is a conference many world leaders attended to try and promote peace?
First Universal Peace Conference
What are rapid fire guns that made it possible to shoot down hundreds of men?
Machine Guns
What are a final set of demands?
What is the channeling of a nation's entire resources into a war effort?
Total War
What is the spread of a disease across an entire country, continent, or—in this case—the whole world?
What is the glorification of the military?
Whats are large gas-filled balloons, used to bomb the English coast?
What is to prepare it's military forces?
What is a draft that requires all young men to be ready for military or other service?
What are payments for war damage?
What is a nonbinding agreement to follow common policies
What are German submarines that roamed the Atlantic Ocean?
What is the policy of taking neither side in a war?
What is the spreading of ideas to promote a cause or to damage an opposing cause?
What is a system in which a group of nations acts as one to preserve the peace of all?
Collective Security
What is a world court to settle disputes between nations?
The Hague Tribunal
What are groups of merchant ships protected by warships?
What is a widely read study of the outbreak of the war, written by historian Barbara Tuchman?
The Guns of August
What is the right of people to choose their own form of government?
What is the treaty formed by the Allies that made Germany accept full blame for WWI?
Treaty of Versailles