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What is Twice
The number of times Santa checks his list
What is "Santa Clause"
Tim Allen is the star of this Christmas movie trilogy
What is "Blue Christmas"
"I'll have a Blue Christmas, without you"
Who is Jesus
This is the baby whose birth we celebrate on Christmas
What is Silver and Gold
After Red and Green, these TWO colors are the most popular colors for the season
What is Coca-Cola
This world wide beverage company adopted the Santa Clause figure for its 1920 winter advertizing
What is "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"
In this movie, the main characters heart was two sizes to small
What is "Joy to the World"
"And Heaven and nature sing"
Who is God
This is the true father of Jesus
What is Angel
This is the most popular Christmas Tree topper
What is "The Night Before Christmas"
"Twas" this famous poem that first described Santa Clause as we know him today
What is "Home Alone"
This movie stands alone as the biggest box office Christmas movie of all time
What is "Silent Night"
"Holy Infant so tender and mild"
What is the Bible (Matthew and Luke are okay)
In this book you will hear the story of Jesus' Birth
What is Animal Cracker
This popular children's cracker was introduced in 1902 as a Christmas ornament
What is 0
The number of times Santa Clause is mentioned in the poem "The Night Before Christmas"
What is "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer"
In the Christmas claymation TV special, the elf, Hermie, wanted to be a dentist
What is"Hark the Herald Angels Sing"
"God and sinners reconciled"
Who is Immanuel
This name for the messiah means "God with us"
What is A Charlie Brown Christmas
This Christmas cartoon TV special aired in 1965 features a less than stellar Christmas tree
What is Turkey
The name of the middle eastern country the real St. Nick is from
What is "A Christmas Carol"
Charles Dickens wrote this book, which has sense been made into a movie
What is "Holly Jolly Christmas"
"I don't know it there'll be snow, but have a cup of cheer"
Who is Jesus
John the Baptist's cousin
This department store created Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer"